Winning Website Designing Tips for Your Business

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Winning Website Designing Tips for Your Business

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Winning Website Designing

When you set out to build your business winning website, your goal is to serve a specific purpose for your customers. You want them to understand immediately what your site can do for them when they land on your homepage.
How do you accomplish this goal when you’re starting from scratch or revamping your current site?
Here, we’ll give you the best tips for designing a winning business web site.
1. Consider Your Branding Element
Branding your site properly is incredibly important. Your logo is what represents your business the most. It should be prominently displayed on your home page and every other page a user visits.
In most designs, you’ll want your logo to be located in the top-left part of your pages. In some designs, it works well in the top-center of each page.
Either way, it’s important that your logo is the first thing a user sees.
2. Describe Yourself
Use one or two sentences in your design to give the title of your business and what you do/what problem you solve. This expands on your branding.
Your description should be near your logo.
3. Call-to-Action
What is your main goal for bringing in users to your business website? What exactly are you asking them to do?
After a user sees your branding and description, you want their eyes to naturally flow into a direct call-to-action.
As an example, if the main purpose of your site is to get the names and email addresses of new prospects, they need to immediately understand what benefit they’ll get by giving you their information and exactly how to do it.
Your call-to-action could be, “Plug your name and email in below, and we’ll immediately send you the 96-page eBook, ’10 Ways to Buy a Bigger Home With a Smaller Payment’.”
4. Use an Engaging Visual Element
A high-quality, engaging image will nicely complement the branding of your winning website. If used correctly, it can be a powerful visual tool.
Before you choose a main visual element, consider:

  • What image best represents your main service or product
  • If it’s helpful to use an image or your team members
  • If you want to invoke an emotional response, such as various people smiling while using your product

It’s also important to use the highest resolution and image quality for your main visual element.
5. Make It Simple to Navigate
A hard-to-navigate site is a site that drives users away. You want your site to be as simple to navigate as possible.
Your menu should be on every page, and consistent on every page as well. It should always be at the top of each page, near your branding. All menu items need to be clickable links that go to relevant pages.
If you have a blog, include links to more of your articles and website pages in the body of each blog post. This encourages users to navigate to more pages on your site and also improves your SEO ranking.
6. Content to Include
After a user views your home page, where can they go next? Unless you’ve decided to design a one-page website, there are several content elements you want to include.
Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it? What inspires you?
Your about page should also include a brief history of your business, along with photos of yourself and your team members. You can even include short individual bios.
What you really want to accomplish with your about page is trust, dependability, stability and an eager attitude.
What have your past customers said about your products or services?
Ask some of your past customers for feedback and testimonials about what your business has done for them. If they’re OK with you adding them to their website, then put it on a testimonials page.
New customers want to see what their peers think about you. This is the best way to let them know.
Try to give your customers more than a generic contact form. Give them the best way to reach out to you for immediate answers.
Provide users with a phone number that gets answered right away, an email address that is closely watched, a live chat support box that is manned 24-hours-per-day, and a way to get in touch in case of an emergency.
Have a unique page that does nothing but showcases your work or products. If you have dozens of products or services, this will be the meat of your winning website design.
Yes, it’s important that your website has an active blog. It allows you to showcase your industry expertise while drawing in new customers through effective SEO.
Blog regularly and watch your winning website traffic grow.
Get Started On Your Winning Website Design
Now that you understand the basics of great website design, it’s time to get started. An effective website will make a huge positive impact on your business.



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